
Note: Click on the text below the anthology picture. This will take you to Amazon, where you can click on the cover of the anthology. That takes you to contents. Clicking on that takes you to the table of contents for each play/
The following plays all have synopses: Bolded titles can be ordered from Concord Theatricals Italicized titles can be found in the various anthologies noted above. Not found - two unpublished works
The Awakening of Kate Chopin, Beckett at Greystones Bay, Behind Cut Glass (Found in Afterlife - Ghostly Comedies, Blackjack the Thief of Possession, Broadway or Bust (Found in The Vampire Trilogy & Celeb), Buried Alive (Found in The Vampire Trilogy), Catatonic: Unpublished, The Death Spiral (found in Afterlife - Ghostly Comedies), Degas in New Orleans, Clark and Carole (Found in the Vampire Trilogy & Celeb), Hearts (Found in Afterlife - Ghostly Comedies), James Dean and the Devil (Found in Afterlife - Ghostly Com), James Dean and the Highway of Death (Found in Vamp. Trilogy), John Singer Sargent and Madame X, A Louisiana Gentleman, Marie Laveau and the Vampire (Found in the Vampire Trilogy), Marilyn/God, Montgomery Clift and the All Girl Fan Club (Found in Afterlife,Vol. 3), Naked in New Orleans: Screenplay unpublished, Property, The Reluctant Vampire (Found in the Vampire Trilogy), Solitaire, Turtle Soup, Uncle Victor, White Suits in Summer, The Wing of Madness Found in Rhapsodies, Wishing AcesIndividual Plays